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Piano Tuning

Piano tuning is the most important form of piano care.

Manufacturers recommend that pianos be tuned every 6-12 months. 

Piano Tuner, Piano Tuners, Piano Tuning

Basic Service Appoinment

Piano Tuning, Piano Tuner, Piano Tuners

Our Basic Service Appointment includes a Fine Tuning, Minor Repairs and a few other important items that increase your playing enjoyment!  


Pianos that have been moved or have not been tuned in a few years will probably need a pitch raise. This is based solely on how far off pitch your piano is. We would be happy to provide an estimate or cost breakdown that will give you an idea of what your piano may need. You can get an idea of the customers we work for on our About Us page.


We enjoy seeing our customers thrilled with their pianos when we're done!

There is also some valuable humidity info on our blog.

Tuning Recommendations


Churches should have tunings at least twice per year if they do not leave their Climate Control systems on all week, These changes in humidity will knock a piano out of tune far more quickly than a stable environment.


Schools can typically get by with one tuning per year unless they have an advanced piano program, then tuning is recommended at 2-4 times per year. Pianos do not stay in perfect tune for very long, just like a violin or guitar, and they will not be at exact pitch unless tuned fairly often. 

Private Homes

Private homes can typically get by with one tuning per year. It is recommended however that it be twice per year if they have a very advanced or serious student that practices daily or other instruments that are played along with and are tuned to the piano. If a pitch raise was required you will have at least one tuning at six months due instability of the strings. Private homes may also notice their piano going out of tune faster if they enjoy having open windows in the spring and fall or if it is near the front door, due to rapid and frequent changes in humidity.

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