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Buying and Selling Pianos

At Moore's Piano Service we don't actually buy or sell pianos.

Ebay and Craigslist are two of your best choices. With Ebay you can have the purchaser arrange packing and shipping.




Moving a Piano

Having a piano moved can be a daunting task, they're heavy and bulky. They can damge people and objects, not to mention they can easily be scratched or damaged themselves.

To have a piano moved safely we recommend hiring professionals, they should have all the proper tools and knowledge for both Grands and Verticals.

Moore's Piano Service recommends using Proffessional Piano Movers Inc. if you're in the greater Fort Wayne area.


Piano Tuning, Selling a Piano, Piano, Tuner, Piano Tuners
Piano Tuner, Buying a Piano, Piano Tuning, Piano Tuners
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